There are times when I wish my job was to be entertaining and not actually do any real work. Do those jobs exist? Oh yeah, strippers have that job. (looking in mirror) … there goes that pipe dream.
Since much of my trip to Spain actually involved me learning facts and figures, data and resources, I am finding it challenging to find the time to write a proper educational post. Hey, all those shows on my DVR aren’t going to watch themselves are they? I have responsibilities to my family, my couch, and my TV to consider (in no particular order) not mention I am trying to design, document and coordinate about 20 bazillion dollars worth of residential construction. So waa-waa to me but who really suffers? You, the reader … but unless this is your first swing through my site, your expectations have already hit rock bottom and you’re probably stealing your neighbors wi-fi to read this.
What I wanted to share with you today is some of the images I collected during our after hour trips. They were all educational and most were attended by all who came along on the Reign in Spain trip. (for the record, the picures I used today are all unedited other than file size, what you see is what showed up in my camera)
Taken outside the factory tour we went on at Keraben Ceramic as we were walking back towards the bus. Still working at 7:00 at night (strike Rocky pose)
This was in Valencia and all I remember was there seemed to be a lot of lady type people milling about. I’m not sure what was going on down there but I … ahem, liked the texture on this wall.
This was a construction site that seemed eerily out of this timeline – Mike Chino from had no problems walking in front of my shot but he once again demonstrated his genius because he made my shot better (he was cool that way)
The classic picture of someone else taking a picture. This was in Zaragoza on our first night together as a group. This was a bar favored by bullfighters and the scene of the infamous photo of the Ricky Martin / Justin Bieber love child.
This was taken around 1:00am in Valencia for no reason other than the three guys in the picture looked like they were going to start skipping down the street with thier arms locked together a la Wizard of Oz. Just the idea of that made me laugh out loud – something my travel mates were becoming accustomed to hearing.
Six of my Reign in Spain travelers. The lack of light in this photo makes them look like they are severly impaired – which may or not have been the case … when I look at this photo, it makes me think that I am the one impaired.
This photo was taken on our last night of the trip. It was around 10:00 at night and out of nowhere, a gaggle of nuns walks into the square where we were standing.
I included this last shot because I realized that it was the architects of the group that were photographing everything. If you look at the above picture, you can actually see that I’m in it – although it’s only my shadow. I made a lot of friends on this trip and I am sure that when they saw the title of this post, a shiver went down their collective spines. Most people don’t relish the idea of having their late night adventures documented but since we are a group of like minded individuals, nothing to unseemly actually ever happened. I am a little embarrassed to admit that a conversation about public spaces or the water content requirement for a ceramic tile to be classified as a porcelain tile were just as likely to be heard as was ordering another round of orange juice.
(it’s 0% to .5% water content to be classified as a porcelain tile by the way).